Automatic palletizing streamlines production at Dragsbæk Margarine Factory

Palletising solution
Dragsbæk Margarine Factory used to manually palletise margarine blocks, posing high costs that challenged the factory's competitiveness. To address this, they decided to automate palletising, collaborating with BILA A/S to find the right solution.
Reduced palletising time
Improved work environment
Enhanced competitiveness
Palletises various items
At Dragsbæk Margarine Factory, palletising was previously done manually, leading to various challenges, including high costs that resulted in reduced competitiveness.
Dragsbæk decided to automate its palletising process. A Kawasaki robot with a suction tool was chosen as the solution, enabling the palletisation of a variety of items.
The Kawasaki robot has increased production, generating a surplus for the factory, which was invested in another robot cell. The solution has streamlined production, thereby boosting competitiveness.

Industrial automation - Margarine palletising
Dragsbæk Margarine Factory used to manually palletise margarine blocks, posing high costs that challenged the factory's competitiveness. To address this, they decided to automate palletising, collaborating with BILA A/S to find the right solution.
"This was a new task for both parties, as vacuum suction was required on the products, but the collaboration went very satisfactorily, and we received significant assistance and expertise from BILA A/S for the task,"
Karsten H. Rokkedal, Production Manager
The chosen solution was a Kawasaki robot equipped with a vacuum suction tool, capable of palletising margarine blocks, cartons for margarine sheets, and cardboard boxes on EUR and UK pallets.
"We are very pleased with the project process on BILA's side - we have experienced good service, and the robot has run flawlessly since the start," says Karsten H. Rokkedal, Production Manager.
After investing in the robot cell, production has increased, and with significant paper savings, BILA A/S installed another robot cell at Dragsbæk Margarine Factory. Once again, the margarine factory expressed satisfaction with BILA's handling of the project.
"We wanted to make some minor changes to the current robot cell, and BILA was very responsive to that, so once again, we are very satisfied with BILA's handling of our project," says Karsten H. Rokkedal, Production Manager at Dragsbæk Margarine Factory.
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